
Welcome to Fleep’s Deep Thoughts

Fleep Tuque in Second Life

I am Fleep and Fleep is me. This blog is a compilation of personal and professional interests, thoughts about technology,  education, culture, politics, and other things I find on the web or in the metaverse that I think are worth discussing.

My area of specialty is virtual worlds and education, particularly Second Life and OpenSim, but I also study webapps and social media services, mobile devices, podcasting, blogging & wikis in the classroom, and how these social networking phenomena are impacting our culture. I frequently give lectures and workshops to faculty and administrators in higher education institutions, but I’ve also spoken to K-12 audiences, businesses, and community groups.

Thanks for visiting.

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This is a collection of personal blog posts written, edited, and published by the author. The content of this blog reflects the personal views of the author in her individual capacity. The views and opinions expressed here do not represent those of the people, institutions, or organizations with which the author may be affiliated, unless stated explicitly.


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