I came across a couple of great thought provoking things yesterday, all come from Twitter friends – @gsiemens, @Larry_Pixel, and @lparisi.
First up, George Siemens shared his presentation from the Pacific Northwest Higher Education Teaching & Learning Conference in Spokane, WA. When thinking about where all of this digital connectivity is heading and what it means to teachers, it’s sometimes difficult to grasp just how much information is out there. George’s slides gave some much needed perspective.
And speaking of the Big Picture View, Larry Johnson of the New Media Consortium is seeking our help tagging relevant information about the MetaTrends in technology that they have seen running throughout the Horizon Report series, which takes a look at practices and technologies likely to impact education in the near to mid-term time frame.
The data from these reports have shown some emerging metatrends, which Larry lists as:
* communication between humans and machines tags: hzmeta + humanmachine
* the collective sharing and generation of knowledge tags: hzmeta + collectiveknowledge
* games as pedagogical platforms tags: hzmeta + games
* computing in three dimensions tags: hzmeta + 3d
* connecting people via the network tags: hzmeta + connectingpeople
* the shifting of content production to users tags: hzmeta + user_content
* the evolution of a ubiquitous platform tags: hzmeta + ubiquitousplatform
Have a peek at the wiki and start adding your delicious tags to help with this effort.
Finally, Lisa Parisi sent out a tweet last night about a live podcast show called Teachers Are Talking hosted on the EdTechTalk site. I’m a big fan of listening to good podcasts while I’m working, they’ve pretty much replaced live radio these days, and these podcasts are directly related to my work.
(I’m listening to EdTechWeekly#74 as I type this, have a listen..)
Yesterday’s TAT episode had K-12 educators discussing their experiences with using blogs in the classroom, everything from how to implement a safe system to fears and worries that they have, as well as parents and administrators. Since I work in higher ed, it was good to hear the perspective of folks in the K-12 arena. The archive isn’t up yet, but check the Teachers Are Talking feed to subscribe to the podcast.
Thanks to my twitter buds for keeping me thinking…